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MARIE-LUISE COROZA CALVERO is a film music composer from the Philippines. 


Marie-Luise finished her Master's degree in Film Music at the Institut für Neue Musik (Institute of New Music) of the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik (State Conservatory of Music) in Freiburg, Germany under composer and film music expert Cornelius Schwehr.


She earned her Bachelor's degree in Composition from the University of the Philippines (UP) College of Music. She studied composition under composer-ethnomusicologist Jonas Baes, and orchestration under composer-conductor Josefino "Chino" Toledo

Some of her first works were for Stummfilme (silent films) -- "Ich möchte kein Mann sein (I don't want to be a man)" [1918, Ernst Lubitsch] and "Der müde Tod (Destiny)" [1921, Fritz Lang] -- in collaboration with composers Alexander John Villanueva, Melita Cruz and Feliz Anne Macahis. Both works were performed during the International Silent Film Festivals 2013 and 2014 in Makati, Philippines.

Some of her previous projects include composing music for the silent films "Happiness (Schastye)" [1935, Alexander Medwedkin], "Tretya meshchanskaya (Bed and Sofa)" [1927, Abram Room] and "Der Mann mit Der Kamera (The Man with the Video Kamera)" [1929, Dziga Vertov], alongside colleagues from the Hochschule für Musik for the Russische Kulturtage 2017 in Freiburg;

music for the film "Unrast und Sehnsucht (2018)", a collaboration with the Zwetajewa Zentrum für Russische Kultur Freiburg and the Stadtmuseum Baden-Baden on the life of Russian novelist Ivan Turgenev;

and music for a literary-musical adaptation of Homer's Odyssey  (direction: Ingeborg Waldherr), alongside composer Vasiliki Kourti-Papamoustou. "Odyssee" was performed in Freiburg, Padua, Basel and Hannover.

Marie-Luise is currently a lecturer for electronic composition at the Studio für Elektronische Musik at the Hochschule für Musik Freiburg.

In her spare time, Marie-Luise takes on photography, reads books, writes poetry and short stories, illustrates and paints, learns as many languages as she can, does freelance work as a music arranger, and teaches piano and music theory to children.


Photo by Adrian Belmar (Photo Belmar)

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